Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Live for the Love Documentary

As many of you know I will be flying to New Orleans, LA on April 3rd to join my friends Lindsay and Kellen. They are working on a documentary called 'Live for the Love' and they are doing a giant road trip along the eastern and southern part of the United States. I am so excited to be partnering with them and this project! Most importantly, God is going to be so glorified and people are going to know what true love only comes from Jesus. Check out my Facebook for update links on the documentary and for more information on the documentary as well. I would love if you joined us prayerfully as well as financially! God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Josie, It was lovely to have you in our home in New Orleans. Love, light, and Blessings. Mark Morris, LCSW
